An easy way to fix your posture.

An easy way to fix your posture.


I aimed to create a product to securely measure and fix the posture of all users. The result is Posht: a correcting device that utilizes an app and a physical device to provide feedback on users’ posture habits along with solutions. I quickly recruited an amazing team to work alongside me. Throughout this project my team and I chose to use agile methodology for the development of our product.

Track your activity

See your posture activity to improve your posture. Track your daily, weekly, and monthly habits.

Earn Trophies

Earn achievements along the way, and keep up with your friend’s journeys!

The Posht Device

The device will be placed on the lower back of the user. Users will have the option to place the device on the inside or outside of their clothing depending on their preference for using replaceable adhesive. The small indicator light will let the user know the battery level of the device as well on the app. The device will pair up with mobile devices using Bluetooth to pair and send the data which will be displayed on the Posht application. The app will use discrete notifications and custom vibration patterns to provide immediate posture feedback to the user.


My team and I conducted a short but effective survey. We also used secondary research and user testing to understand user needs and the environment we’re working in. Here is some of the feedback we received on the survey.


In this new modern era when it is inevitable for one to spend their time looking at a screen, a common issue tends to be poor posture and body pains. This was especially true at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.


In this new modern era when it is inevitable for one to spend their time looking at a screen, a common issue tends to be poor posture and body pains. This was especially true at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Project Lead


User Research • Surveys • Wireframing • Logo Design • Usability Testing • High-Fidelity Redesign


The surveys helped us make the decision to proceed with our product. We discovered that people were interested in improving their posture and were willing to utilize technology to improve it. We also found that people sent an average of 9.05 hours per day on the computer.

User Personas

After the surveys and secondary research we quickly identified our target users by breaking them into two user personas.

User Personas

After the surveys and secondary research we quickly indentifited our target users by breaking them into two user personas.

Behavior Design

My team and I utilized the CREATE method to design for behavior change, a methodology pioneered by Stephen Wendel.


The user receives a notification from their app suggesting that they use the product.


The user is reminded of their drive to improve their posture and begins to use the product.


The user engages with the app and incorporates in feedback that the app gives them. The value that the user gains from opening the app and using the feedback is better sitting posture.


The user has the ability to correct their posture using the feedback given by the app.


There might be circumstances where the user is unable to effectively correct their posture. Our product works best when the user is working out or when they are sitting down for long periods of time.


For users, correcting their posture might not be the most enjoyable experience. However, our goal is to make it as pleasant as possible. Our team is going to do this by incorporating feedback and providing the user with a community to share their progress.


The user receives a notification from their app suggesting that they use the product.


The user is reminded of their drive to improve their posture and begins to use the product.


The user engages with the app and incorporates in feedback that the app gives them. The value that the user gains from opening the app and using the feedback is better sitting posture.


The user has the ability to correct their posture using the feedback given by the app.


There might be circumstances where the user is unable to effectively correct their posture. Our product works best when the user is working out or when they are sitting down for long periods of time.


For users, correcting their posture might not be the most enjoyable experience. However, our goal is to make it as pleasant as possible. Our team is going to do this by incorporating feedback and providing the user with a community to share their progress.

Behavior Design

My team and I utilized the CREATE method to design for behavior change, an methodology pioneered by Stephen Wendel.

The Evolution of Posht

UX is an ongoing process. I’ve learned a lot over time in regard to my UI skills. I wasn’t responsible for the initial designs of Posht but I knew I wanted to do my own take on the app. I conducted usability testing on the first version of the application and fixed the pain points, but Posht has come a long way since then as you can see here.

Style Guide
Interactive Prototype
Interactive Prototype
Interactive Prototype
What I learned
Test Early

I cannot stress enough how important it is to test early. Without our initial surveys, we wouldn’t have our needs validated. Testing early also made sure we caught pain points early and did not waste valuable time on prototypes that got scrapped.

Agile Methodology

Agile methodology is very effective in product design and management. This was my first time using the agile method, and it worked wonders with our team's collaboration. It was effortless to communicate design decisions and develop an efficient product. In the future, I hope I get to work more with the agile method.

Understand your audience

Last but not least, the user research on this project was super effective. Identifying our target audience allowed us to design with people in mind and really understand the challenges they face. It’s important to learn people’s stories.

What I learned
Test Early

I cannot stress enough how important it is to test early. Without our initial surveys, we wouldn’t have our needs validated. Testing early also made sure we caught pain points early and did not waste valuable time on prototypes that got scrapped.

Agile Methodology

Agile methodology is very effective in product design and management. This was my first time using the agile method, and it worked wonders with our team's collaboration. It was effortless to communicate design decisions and develop an efficient product. In the future, I hope I get to work more with the agile method.

Understand your audience

Last but not least, the user research on this project was super effective. Identifying our target audience allowed us to design with people in mind and really understand the challenges they face. It’s important to learn people’s stories.

Future Steps
Dark Mode

Now that I have redesigned Posht. My next goal would be to incorporate a dark version of the app. A dark mode would be a nice edition, allowing the users to customize it to their preference.

Gamifying the App

I would also like to dive deeper into the achievements page and make it feel more rewarding by gamifying the app.

Usability Testing Round 2

I would also like to conduct usability testing on the new version of Posht. From our old tests, we found that users perceived the goal-setting feature as boring, so we came up with the badge system. We also found that users had difficulty interpreting and seeing their data at a glance, so we came up with multiple visual graphics to showcase their progress. I would like to get feedback on the newer version to see if new ideas arise.

People with back pain

• Has back pain and wants to decrease it

• Retired or end of career coming from mid to high level income level

• Values an alternative solution from pain medication to their pain

People looking to prevent back pain

• Values a healthy posture

• Young adult age 22

• Starting career going into mid income level

• Values preparing for the future

• Lives a healthy lifestyle

People with back pain

• Has back pain and wants to decrease it

• Retired or end of career coming from mid to high level income level

• Values an alternative solution from pain medication to their pain

People looking to prevent back pain

• Values a healthy posture

• Young adult age 22

• Starting career going into mid income level

• Values preparing for the future

• Lives a healthy lifestyle

Track your activity

See your posture activity to improve your posture. Track your daily, weekly, and monthly habits.

Earn Trophies

Earn achievements along the way, and keep up with your friend’s journeys!

People with back pain

• Has back pain and wants to decrease it

• Retired or end of career coming from mid to high level income level

• Values an alternative solution from pain medication to their pain

People looking to prevent back pain

• Values a healthy posture

• Young adult age 22

• Starting career going into mid income level

• Values preparing for the future

• Lives a healthy lifestyle

Ethan Igunbor

© Made with Love

Ethan Igunbor

© Made with Love

Ethan Igunbor

© Made with Love